
Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Perfect Date=Steak+BJ

Wanna CA$H me outside? Drive by my favorite corner at Colfax & Williams!
*wave your middle finger* at the HALO camera LOL asinine swine!
graffiti Colfax Ave Williams Denver Aurora happy face female soldiers high heels Jem Holograms doll chain link fence
Sure you can handle this dangerous bitch? 😉
Let's start with a private booth at my favorite restaurant, I'm so hungry!
How loaded is your burrito, Papí?
Carne asada or pollo loco~ cúal es tu pecado? 
🔥 🔥 🔥  You're making me so *caliente* 🔥🔥🔥

After our dinner date, we'll take a long romantic stroll down the alley...
This is a stick up! you've got in those pants, Big Boy!! BANG!.BANG! BANG!
{shit always explodes after taco bell}